To open new images on the screen that can display the most colors, click this button. This will give the highest-quality color fidelity for the image.
Opens new images on the screen that can display the most colors. This option is selected.
To open new images on the screen that has the largest area in pixels, click this button. This will allow images to be displayed at the largest possible size.
Opens new images on the screen that has the largest area in pixels. This option is selected.
To open new images on the screen that has the menubar, click this button. This will keep all image windows near the menus, for quicker access.
Opens new images on the screen that has the menubar. This option is selected.
To ask that color screens be chosen over B&W/grayscale screens with similar characteristics, click this box.
Color screens will be chosen over B&W/grayscale screens with similar characteristics. To ask that B&W/grayscale screens be chosen over color screens instead, click this box.
To open all images in a full-screen window, regardless of their size, click this button.
Opens all images in a full-screen window, regardless of their size. This option is selected.
To automatically open images taller than the screen in a full-screen window without asking, click this button.
Automatically opens images taller than the screen in a full-screen window without asking. This option is selected.
To request that you be asked before opening images taller than the screen in a full-screen window, click this button.
Asks before opening images taller than the screen in a full-screen window. This option is selected.
To always open images in a normal window, even if they would benefit from being displayed in a full-screen window, click this box.
Always opens images in a normal window, even if they would benefit from being displayed in a full-screen window, click this box. This option is selected.
To automatically expand smaller images to their maximum size on the preferred screen, click this box.
Smaller images are automatically expanded to their maximum size on the preferred screen. To keep small images at their natural size, click this box.
To automatically close all other open images before opening a new image, click this box. This helps reduce clutter on the desktop.
All other open images will be automatically closed before opening a new image. To keep multiple images open at once, click this box.